Retiring LtL's Online Activity

Since the podcast ended in 2019, I have continued to receive much-needed support from Patreon subscribers to help pay for this website, the LibSyn hosting, and Krystee’s labor as she continued to research and feature composers each week (she’s featured over 800!). However, I’ve now decided to end the Patreon page and retire the social media accounts; I’ll cover the ongoing costs myself (something I couldn’t have financially managed a year ago).

Listening to Ladies has been described as “trailblazing,” and maybe it was, but since its inception there have been SO MANY amazing initiatives, podcasts, concert series, prizes, and mentoring programs, all in support of diverse composers. I am so deeply glad to see this immense support and I hope that this collective push will be strong enough to provoke major, lasting changes in concert programming and opportunities.

The #1 lesson I learned through the making of this podcast project was that if I'm not supporting ALL those who don't benefit from white, cisgender male, able-bodied, heteronormative patriarchy, then I'm missing the mark.

In other words:

Supporting women composers is good.

Supporting women; Black, Indigenous, and People of Color; LGBTQIA+; disabled; and all other marginalized composers is much, *much* better.

Let’s all do better.

- Elisabeth